704-566-9900 phone
704-537-6179 fax
Southwest Middle - On-Campus Class
The following are the scheduled dates for our Winter Break, In-Person Program. Classes will run for 5 days with NO makeup days. Students must attend all five days and be in class the full 6 1/2 hours each day to complete the course. Students will need to bring a copy of their Birth Certificate on the first day of class. Other items needed are a pen and paper to take notes during the classes, and a bag lunch and drink.
Please note that we can only teach students who are currently enrolled in a high school. Once a student graduates or stops attending high school, we can no longer teach them as we are part of the school system’s driver education program through Charlotte-Mecklenburg Schools for public, charter, private and home-schooled students.
Tardies: CMS allows no tardies to class. Students who come to a Winter Break class tardy will fail the course.
Absences: For Winter Break classes, students are not allowed to be absent for any reason. Students who are absent will be listed as a Fail and will have to register and pay to attend another class session. There are no refunds should a student begin the class session and then fail due to missing any class time.
Class Fee: There is a fee of $65 to take the classroom phase of Driver Education; the driving phase will be free of charge. The $65 fee is due before or on the 1st day of class. To guarantee a spot in a session, you may register and pay online BEFORE the first day of class with a credit card by clicking on the “Register and Pay Now” button found below the session that is open for registration. To be guaranteed a seat in the class, you must pre-pay.
Payment and Receipt: To show that a student has pre-registered, they will need to take a receipt of payment with them on the first day of class and give it to the Driver Education teacher. If you do not have access to the Internet, you can still guarantee a spot in a session and receive a receipt by coming by the Jordan Driving School offices before the first day of class and pre-registering. Please call the Jordan Driving School offices at 704-566-9900 before coming to the office to see if space is available for the class that you are interested in. Payment can be made with a certified check, money order or cash. Certified checks or money orders should be made payable to, “Jordan Driving School Charlotte”. NO PERSONAL CHECKS CAN BE ACCEPTED.
Class Session Capacity Information: The maximum number of students for a class is 35. Should all 35 spots be pre-paid, then no students will be added to the class on the first day of class. If space is available, students may be added to the class, and can pay the $65 fee on the first day of class by cash, certified check, or money order. Certified checks or money orders should be made payable to, “Jordan Driving School Charlotte”. NO PERSONAL CHECKS CAN BE ACCEPTED
There must be a minimum of 30 students paid on the first day of class, or the class will be cancelled. If a class is cancelled because of insufficient numbers, those students who have already paid the fee will need to call the Jordan Driving School office to be moved to another class session.
Refund Policy: There will be no refunds should a student begin the class and then dropout or fail.
Classroom Location: For details about the classroom location contact the Driver Education Site Coordinator.
Behind-the-Wheel: Learn more about the BEHIND-THE-WHEEL phase of driver education.
18-Year-Old Students: Please Note: 18-year-old students are not required to take Driver Education to be eligible to obtain a license in North Carolina.
Class Time: 8:00am—2:30pm
Winter Break Session: December 26, 27, 28 , 30, 31 (2024) Makeup Dates: There are no makeup dates for this course.
Students must have been born on or before June 26, 2010 to register for this course.
Registration Closed